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How Much Do You Need to Invest to Develop a Social Media App in 2024?

Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives in our increasingly interconnected world. Whether sharing moments on Instagram, expressing thoughts on Twitter, or networking on LinkedIn, social media platforms have revolutionized how we communicate, connect, and consume information. The Importance of these platforms cannot be overstated.

With billions of active users worldwide, social media apps are powerful tools for personal communication and indispensable for businesses, brands, and entrepreneurs looking to expand their digital footprint. Social media’s immense reach and engagement potential make them essential for reaching a global audience, driving user engagement, and promoting products or services.

As we step into 2024,  social media app development continues to be a thriving industry. However, the cost of developing these apps can vary significantly, depending on various factors. This blog will explore the hidden costs and factors that influence the budget needed to bring a social media app to life. Understanding these costs is essential to make informed decisions and navigate the dynamic landscape of Mobile app development.

Factors Affecting Development Cost

During social media app development, several crucial factors can significantly impact the overall cost.Understanding these factors is essential for anyone embarking on this journey. Here, we break down the key elements that can influence the social media app development cost of your .

1. Features and Functionality

The scope of features and functionality you want in your social media app is vital in determining the cost. Basic apps with limited features will cost less, while complex apps with advanced functionalities such as live streaming, multimedia sharing, and interactive chat will drive up development costs.

2. Platform (iOS, Android, Both)

Another critical factor is deciding whether to develop your social media app for iOS, Android, or both platforms. Developing for both platforms will naturally be costlier than choosing one. Each platform has its requirements, and catering to both demands more time and resources.

3. Design Complexity

The app’s design and user interface (UI/UX) complexity is a factor that can’t be overlooked. A simple design is cost-effective, while intricate, custom designs and animations can add to the expenses.

4. Integration with Third-Party Services

If your app requires integration with third-party services like social media sharing, cloud storage, or payment gateways, it can significantly affect the cost. Integration often involves additional development work and may require licensing fees.

5. Security Measures

Ensuring the security of user data is paramount for social media apps. Implementing robust security measures to protect against data breaches and cyber threats may increase mobile app development costs. The level of security required depends on the sensitivity of the data your app handles.

6. Location of the Development Team

The location of your development team can also influence costs. Hiring developers in regions with higher living costs may result in a higher hourly rate for their services. On the other hand, outsourcing development to countries with lower labor costs can be more budget-friendly.

Understanding these factors and planning your social media app development will help you make informed decisions and manage your budget effectively. By considering these elements, you can navigate the world of app development and ensure the success of your project.

Cost Breakdown

Developing a mobile app involves several crucial aspects, each contributing to the overall cost. Let’s break down the estimated costs for different phases of Mobile app development.

1. App Design

App strategy phase: $1,200 to $11,000

Mobile app design: $5,000 to $55,000

The design phase includes strategizing the app’s concept and visual design. Costs can vary depending on the complexity of the design and the time invested.

2. Development

Development cost: $30,000 to over $400,000

The core development of the app is a significant cost factor. It depends on factors like the type of app, features, and platform (iOS, Android, or both).

3. Testing

Quality assurance and testing: $2,000 to $25,000

Ensuring the social media app is free of bugs and glitches is vital. Testing costs can vary based on the scope and complexity of testing.

4. Maintenance

Maintenance cost: Around 20% of initial development cost

App maintenance is essential to keep the app up-to-date and functioning correctly. A common guideline is to budget around 20% of the initial development cost.

5. Ongoing Updates

Cost varies based on the frequency and scope of updates

Regular updates are crucial for user engagement and satisfaction. The cost depends on how frequently updates are released and their complexity.

While these are rough estimates, the actual costs can vary significantly depending on your app’s specific requirements and your choice of  Mobile app development Company. Careful planning and budgeting are essential to successful app development.

Industry Insights

In 2024, the cost of developing social media apps witnessed significant variations. Industry experts and reports suggest that the average cost ranges from $30,000 to $350,000, depending on factors like UI/UX design, features, and complexity. Notably, the choice of platforms (iOS and Android) and the geographical location of the development team played a crucial role in cost differences.

Several trends and changes in development costs were observed compared to previous years. One notable trend was the rise of audio-based social media platforms like Clubhouse, influencing cost estimation. The emphasis on rich user experiences and seamless interactions led to increased costs. Additionally, advancements in technology, like augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) integrations, impacted the overall expenses.

Social media app development remained a dynamic field, with ever-evolving user preferences and technological advancements, making it essential for businesses to adapt and budget accordingly.

These insights reflect the dynamic nature of social media app development costs in 2024 and emphasize the importance of careful planning and budgeting for such projects.

Case Studies

social media app development case studies

Let’s delve into real-world examples of popular social media apps and the associated development costs. 

1. Facebook:

•Development Cost:

The initial development cost of Facebook was around $500,000.

•Contributing Features:

The complex feature set of Facebook, including user profiles, news feeds, and a robust messaging system, significantly contributed to the cost.

• Cost-saving Strategies:

Facebook started as a small project, with Mark Zuckerberg and a few friends working on it. This lean approach allowed them to save on development costs in the early stages.

2. Instagram:

•Development Cost:

Instagram’s development cost was approximately $500,000.

•Contributing Features:

Instagram’s focus on image sharing, filters, and a user-friendly interface added to its development expenses.

• Cost-saving Strategies:

Instagram leveraged existing platforms, initially launching exclusively on iOS, reducing the development complexity and costs.

3. Snapchat:

•Development Cost:

Snapchat began with a development cost of around $485,000.

•Contributing Features:

Snapchat’s core feature of disappearing messages and multimedia sharing required innovative technology and design, impacting the cost.

• Cost-saving Strategies:

While Snapchat invested in unique features, it started with a simple interface and expanded features gradually, spreading costs over time.

4. TikTok:

•Development Cost:

TikTok’s development cost is around $1 billion.

•Contributing Features:

TikTok’s algorithm-driven content feed, user-generated content tools, and global scalability led to high development costs.

• Cost-saving Strategies:

TikTok’s parent company, ByteDance, capitalized on its expertise from its previous product, Douyin, reducing development costs through shared technology.

These case studies illustrate that the development cost of a social media app depends on the complexity of its features, its target audience, and the platform on which it’s launched. To control expenses, startups can adopt cost-saving strategies like lean development and incremental feature expansion. Understanding the dynamics of each app’s journey can provide valuable insights for aspiring social media app developers.


In conclusion, creating a budget for social media app development is a crucial step in ensuring the success of your project. This blog has highlighted several key aspects that should be considered when budgeting for your social media app:

1. Defining Objectives:

It’s essential to clarify the purpose of your app, identify core functionalities, and understand your target audience. This forms the foundation for your budgeting process 

2. Cost Factors:

The cost of developing a social media app can vary widely, ranging from $30,000 to $350,000. Factors influencing costs include UI/UX design, features, complexity, platform choice, and development team location

3. Planning and Strategy:

Effective planning and strategy are vital to staying within budget and achieving your app’s goals. This includes creating engaging content, having a website and landing page, and considering rewards for users 

4. Trends and Changes:

Keep an eye on industry trends and changes in development costs compared to previous years. The landscape of social media app development is dynamic and influenced by user preferences and technological advancements

Budgeting and planning for social media app development are ongoing processes that require adaptability and foresight. While costs can vary widely based on project specifics, a well-thought-out budget ensures you’re prepared to navigate the complexities of the development journey. Remember, preparation and planning are key to success in the social media app development world.

Vatsal Makhija
Vatsal Makhija
Articles: 34